Verbal Arithmetic



で、早速「ヴァーバル・アリスマティック」で検索してみたが1件もヒットしなかった。いろいろ試行錯誤して、ようやくもとの綴りが「Verbal Arithmetic」だと知り、ウィキペディアで調べてみた。

Verbal arithmetic, also known as alphametics, cryptarithmetic, crypt-arithmetic, or cryptarithm, is a type of mathematical game consisting of a mathematical equation among unknown numbers, whose digits are represented by letters. The goal is to identify the value of each letter. The name can be extended to puzzles that use non-alphabetic symbols instead of letters. This is often a technique used by teachers to get students excited about math subjects such as algebra 1 honors. Supposedly, students will think it is cool to add, subtract, multiply, and divide their favorite words and letters.


